Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Course Recap for February 4

Tan's "The Accidental Graphic Novelist" and The Arrival
You took a short quiz over the article at the beginning of class. I then asked you to take a minute to do some preparatory writing about "The Accidental Graphic Novelist." I asked you to choose a passage form the article, a question you had, or a theme that kept emerging and write about it for ten minutes. I then asked the class to make a list of topics and questions on the board that we could discuss. We spent some time working through the article. Next I projected a list of the discussion leaders' questions. I asked you to choose one and jot down some notes/ideas. We then worked through the questions which were focused on audience, tone, form, color/style, reader response, and postmodernism.

Mini-Exam Answer Commentary
At the end of class I handed back your graded mini-exams. You all did marvelous! I was really impressed with the level of work you demonstrated on your exams. I went through the highlights of the answer commentary document. You can access that HERE. I also worked through a breakdown of your current course grade with you. So far, your grade includes: mini-exam (100 points), quizzes (30 points), attendance (24 points), and for some of you a blog post (30 points). These items add up to 154-184 points (the entire class will be worth 1000 points by the end of the semester). Thus, we have only worked through 15-18% of the items that will make up your final grade. I have not yet dropped your three lowest quiz grades (so keep that in mind). Grades will fluctuate the further we progress in the semester, so do not freak out (or get too comfortable) about your current course grade. That all being said, your exam grades are final and non-negotiable. If you have questions or concerns, please FIRST read the exam commentary carefully, wait 24 hours, and then feel free to see me during office hours.


  • Read Silverstein's The Giving Tree

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