Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Course Recap for February 25

Janeczko's A Poke in the I and Thomas' "A Defense of Visual Poetry for Children"
Instead of taking a quiz at the beginning of class, I asked you to choose any page in Janeczko's book of concrete poetry and write about the significance of the poem. During this exercise you were not allowed to use notes, but I encouraged you to use some of the basic vocabulary and elements of craft you learned last week to talk about the poem. I also encouraged you to use your knowledge of visual interpretation to discuss the use of image/illustration on your chosen page. I then asked for volunteers to use the document camera to share the poem they wrote about and to talk about their interpretation. I also asked you to compare Janeczko's poetry to Creech's poetry.
I then asked you to take some time to go through Thomas' chapter on concrete poetry. I asked you to note important and interesting passages. We then worked on breaking down Thomas' essay.

Midterm Exam
At the end of class, I spent some time going over the midterm exam grading rubric. You can access that document HERE. As you are studying for the midterm exam, be sure to make reference to this rubric and to your midterm exam study guide.

  • Study for midterm exam

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