Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Course Recap for January 14

"Little Red Riding Hood" Variants
At the beginning of class you took a short reading quiz over the four versions of "Little Red Riding Hood" you read for today. While you were reading, I came around and checked to see that you brought your readings with you. Keep in mind that each day is worth 4 attendance points; if you forget your book or come late, you will only receive 2 points. After the quiz, I asked you to spend some time thinking about your initial impressions of the LRRH variants. Which tale(s) were familiar to you? Were you surprised by any of them? What elements of the tale stayed the same? What elements of the tale changed? I then gave a short presentation on the fairy tale. You can access that presentation HERE. I then had you break into pairs to work on an in-class activity. You can access that document HERE. I introduced you to the term VOLITION, which is the ability of a person to have say in her fate (a person with strong volition will be very active in solving her problems, while a person with weak volition will require assistance). We then spent some time discussing the LRRH stories and your in-class writing activity.

Practice Blog Posts
At the end of class, I asked you to take a look at the course blog where I have posted a sample blog post in which I respond to the readings for today. Keep in mind that when responding to the readings in your blog post you should follow MLA guidelines for citation. You might wish to use the "Strategies for a Meaningful Study Experience" handout from last week to give you ideas about what you might write about. If you want to practice posting on the blog, please do so; I will provide you with a practice grade and comments so that you can see how I will score your writing. If you have any questions about how to post on the blog, please see me during office hours or before/after class and bring your laptop.


  • Read Gubar's "Innocence"
  • Bring LRRH readings and Gubar's essay to class on Thursday

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